
All posts categorized “Board of Directors” (17)

January 27, 2012

Board Elects New President in 2012

As the new President of the Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Foundation, John D. Bouwer brings an abundance of business experience and a penchant for public…

January 31, 2011

Board Elects New Director in 2011

At its January 26, 2011 Board meeting, the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Foundation elected Kathleen P. Maine to the Board of Directors. Kathleen Maine has over 20 years…

January 27, 2011

Board Elects New Director

At its January 26, 2011 Board meeting, the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Foundation elected Kathleen P. Maine to the Board of Directors. Kathleen Maine has over 20 years…

January 28, 2010

Board Elects Two New Directors

At its January 27, 2010 Board meeting, the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Foundation elected Michael R. Julien and James P. Keane to the Board of Directors. Both men reside…

December 17, 2007

DeLapa Elected to Board of Directors

The Frederik Meijer Gardens Foundation elected Judy DeLapa to its Board of Directors in January 2007. Judy is founder and president of High Impact Coaching & Consulting, Inc.…

December 17, 2007

Foundation Appoints First Executive Director

In 2007 the Frederik Meijer Gardens Foundation appointed Susanne Veeneman as its first Executive Director. Sue had been the Executive Assistant for over ten years and was…

June 26, 2006

The FMGF Board Grows

The Frederik Meijer Gardens Foundation elected Dirk. C. Hoffius to its Board in June 2006. Hoffius, an attorney with Varnum Riddering Schmidt & Howlett, LLP, maintains a full…